Due to an unfortunate injury during the Biathlon Standard, Annie Monette had to regretfully pull Cracker Jack from the competition. The team is heartbroken along with her as we know they would have shone this weekend.

Because of that development Team Canada was a small dog short for one of the Large teams. An Italian competitor, Teresa Cigotti, answered our call and is now running under the Canadian flag with her Toy Poodle, Oxygene.
So here are Canada's Small & Large teams. Go Team(s) Canada!!
Small Team
Ballistic Beast + Kirstin O'Neill
Quik + Jordan Jarvis O'Connor
Drake + Jonathan Luce
Large Team A
Evo + Jesse Hamaliuk
Pinnacle Penguin + Kirstin O'Neill
Blaze + Kassandra Harink
Large Team B
Daeny + Seanna O'Neill
Motion + Wendy Alexander
Logan + Shandy Blake
Large C
Oxygene + Teresa Cigotti (ITL)
Epi + Sarah McLeod
Sizzle + Leslie Dawson-North