Team Jumpers was the last run Saturday night and set Team Canada up in contention for a medal with the following dogs placing Top 10 in this non-medalling round;
1st for Emie + Kinaï
1st for Kirstin + Ballistic Beast
2nd for Kirstin + Pinnacle Penguin
2nd for Jesse + Evo
Full Jumper results:
The last run at the 2023 IFCS WAC was Team Relay with all 4 teams going for glory. Team Canada had some spectacular runs, especially with Canada 2 consisting of Kirstin + Pinnacle, Kassie + Blaze, & Jezze + Evo putting in the fastest time overall Teams, both small & large. Woohoo!!
Full Relay results:
When everything was said and done all 4 teams had a great run at the podium with Canada 3 getting the closest in 7th position. Congrats to everyone for running their hearts out for their teammates.
Bravo to you all!!